How Political Scandals Affect the Electorate. Tracing the Eroding and Spillover Effects of Scandals with a Panel Study |
2020 |
Christian von Sikorski, Jörg Matthes, Raffael Heiss |
panel, scandal |
Political Scandals as a Democratic Challenge| The Aftermath of Political Scandals: A Meta-Analysis |
2018 |
Christian von Sikorski |
corruption, media analysis, scandal |
Trust no more? On the lasting effects of corruption scandals |
2018 |
Alberto Solé-Ollé, Pilar Sorribas-Navarro |
corruption, Spain |
The electoral consequences of corruption scandals in Spain |
2013 |
José Ramón Montero, Juan Antonio Mayoral, Pablo Barberá, Pedro Riera, Raúl Gómez |
corruption, elections |
Corruption scandals, voter information, and accountability |
2012 |
Alberto Solé-Ollé, Elena Costas-Pérez, Pilar Sorribas-Navarro |
corruption, Spain |
Communication stages and public issue coverage |
1988 |
Garrett W. Ra, James K. VanLeuven |
column inches |
Using a natural experiment to estimate the electoral consequences of terrorist attacks |
2018 |
Gerard Torrats-Espinosa, Laia Balcells |
ABC, El Mundo, El País, El Periódico, electoral behavior, ETA, La Vanguardia, media analysis, terrorism |
The corrosive effect of corruption on trust in politicians: Evidence from a natural experiment |
2017 |
Enrique Hernández, Macarena Ares |
Bárcenas, corruption, google trends |
SinaPlot: An Enhanced Chart for Simple and Truthful Representation of Single Observations Over Multiple Classes |
2018 |
Bo Torben Pors, Frederik Otzen Bagger, Nicolas Rapin, Nikos Sidiropoulos, Ole Winther, Sina Hadi Sohi, Thomas Lin Pedersen |
Data visualization |
Broadcasters and Hidden Influentials in Online Protest Diffusion |
2013 |
Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Sandra González-Bailón, Yamir Moreno |
15M, social movements, Social networking sites, Twitter |
The Rise of Twitter in the Political Campaign: Searching for Intermedia Agenda-Setting Effects in the Presidential Primary |
2015 |
Bethany A. Conway, Di Wang, Kate Kenski |
agenda setting, Twitter |
Agenda Setting and the Blogosphere: An Analysis of the Relationship between Mainstream Media and Political Blogs |
2007 |
Kevin Wallsten |
agenda setting, blogs, media ecology |
Echo-chambers in online news consumption: Evidence from survey and navigation data in Spain |
2020 |
Ana S Cardenal, Camilo Cristancho, Carlos Aguilar-Paredes, Sílvia Majó-Vázquez |
echo-chamber, polarized pluralism, spanish media |
Between Self-Regulation and Participatory Monitoring: Comparing Digital News Media Accountability Practices in Spain |
2020 |
Pedro Luis Pérez Díaz |
interviews, spanish media |
The Newspaper Navigator Dataset: Extracting And Analyzing Visual Content from 16 Million Historic Newspaper Pages in Chronicling America |
2020 |
Benjamin Lee, Chris Adams, Daniel Weld, Eileen Jakeway, Jaime Mears, Meghan Ferriter |
media analysis, newspaper |
The agenda-building process on digital news media. A comparative study with issue preferences of readers and Twitter users |
2020 |
Enrique Arroyas Langa, Pedro-Luis Pérez-Díaz, Rocío Zamora Medina |
homepage, spanish media |
Is the Whole World Watching? Building a Typology of Protest Coverage on Social Media From Around the World |
2020 |
Danielle K. Kilgo, Ramón Salaverría, Summer Harlow, Víctor García-Perdomo |
media analysis, media ecology, protests, social movements |
Media evolution: Emergence, dominance, survival and extinction in the media ecology |
2013 |
Carlos A. Scolari |
media ecology, media history |
Media ecology: Exploring the metaphor to expand the theory |
2012 |
Carlos A. Scolari |
media ecology |
Critical questions for big data: Provocations for a cultural, technological, and scholarly phenomenon |
2012 |
danah boyd, Kate Crawford |
big data, ethics, Social networking sites, Twitter |
The Internet and Political Transformation: Populism, Community, and Accelerated Pluralism |
1998 |
Bruce Bimber |
Internet |
The Negro press as a factor in education |
1928 |
Gladstone H. Yeuell |
column inches, media analyisis, newspaper |
Spanish Indignados and the evolution of the 15M movement on Twitter: towards networked para-institutions |
2014 |
Ismael Peña-López, Mari Luz Congosto Martínez, Pablo Aragón |
15M, social movements, Social networking sites, Spain |
Government advertising and media coverage of corruption scandals |
2009 |
Ignacio Franceschelli, Rafael Di Tella |
Argentina, corruption, media analysis |
Agenda-setting as politics: A case study of the press-public-policy connection |
1991 |
David Protess, Donna Leff, Fay Cook, Jack C. Doppelt, James Ettema, Peter Miller |
agenda setting |
La canalización o fijación de la ‘agenda’ por los medios |
1992 |
José Luis Dader |
agenda setting |
Batallas de papel Medios de comunicación y nuevos movimientos sociales, el caso de la objeción de conciencia |
1999 |
Víctor Sampedro Blanco |
agenda setting, objeción de conciencia, social movements, Spain |
The evolution of agenda‐setting research: twenty‐five years in the marketplace of ideas |
1993 |
Donald L. Saw, Maxwelle E. McCombs |
agenda setting |
The agenda-setting function of mass media |
1972 |
Donald L. Saw, Maxwelle E. McCombs |
agenda setting, USA |
The Variable Nature of News Media Influence |
1978 |
Harold Gene Zucker |
media influence |
In-Group Loyalty and The Electoral Punishment of Corruption |
2019 |
Catherine E. De Vries, Hector Solaz, Roosmarijn De Geus |
corruption, Spain, survey, vote loss |
Rooting out corruption or rooting for corruption? The heterogeneous electoral consequences of scandals |
2016 |
Gonzalo Rivero, Pablo Barberá, Pablo Fernández-Vázquez |
corruption, Spain |
Corruption scandals, voter information, and accountability |
2012 |
S. Sorribas-Navarro |
corruption, elections, Spain, vote loss |
Turning a Blind Eye: Experimental Evidence of Partisan Bias in Attitudes Toward Corruption |
2013 |
Aina Gallego, Eva Anduiza, Jordi Muñoz |
corruption, partisanship |
PageOneX: New approaches to newspaper front page analysis |
2016 |
Pablo Rey-Mazón, Sasha Costanza-Chock |
column inches, content analysis, Data visualization, free software, front page, news agenda, news analytics, news attention, newspaper, online tools, software |
La corrupción en España (2004-2010): datos, percepción y efectos |
2012 |
Fernando Jiménez, Manuel Villoria |
corruption, Spain |
A scribbling tribe: Reporting political scandal in Britain and Spain |
2006 |
Karen Sanders, María José Canel |
Britain, mediaanalysis, Spain |
The Impact of Media Coverage of Corruption on Spanish Public Opinion (El impacto de la cobertura mediática de la corrupción en la opinión pública española (1996-2009)) |
2013 |
Anna M. Palau, Ferran Davesa |
corruption, El Mundo, El País, media analysis, PP, PSOE, Spain |
All News is Bad News: Newspaper Coverage of Political Parties in Spain |
2015 |
Baumgartner, F. R., Chaqués Bonafont, L. |
corruption, media analysis, Spain |
Popularization of the Scientific Knowledge about the Economic Crisis in the Spanish Mass Media: Trends, Inaccuracies and Omissions in the Documentation Process of Press Discourse on Economics |
2011 |
Álvarez Peralta, M. |
front page |
Sticks and stones, clicks and phones: Contextualizing the role of digital media in the politics of transformation |
2018 |
Merlyna Lim |
media ecology, social movements |
Orientation-Enhanced Parallel Coordinate Plots |
2016 |
Raidou, R. G |
Data visualization, parallel coordinates |
What is Segregation? A Comparison of Measures in Terms of ‘Strong’ and ‘Weak’ Compositional Invariance |
2002 |
Chris Taylor, Stephen Gorard |
school segregation |
Magnitud de la segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico en España y sus Comunidades Autónomas y comparación con los países de la Unión Europea |
2018 |
Martínez-Garrido, C., Murillo, F. J. |
school segregation, Spain |
Visual analysis of large graphs: state‐of‐the‐art and future research challenges |
2011 |
A. Kuijper, D.W. Fellner, J. Kohlhamme, J.-D. Fekete, J.J. van Wijk, T. Schreck, T. von Landesberger |
Data visualization, networks |
The eruption of Airbnb in tourist cities: Comparing spatial patterns of hotels and peer-to-peer accommodation in Barcelona |
2017 |
García-Palomares J.C., J. Gutiérrez, Romanillos, G., Salas-Olmedo M. H. |
AirBnB, cartography, Touristification |