“Media framing of political scandals: Theoretical framework and empirical evidence” in book The routledge companion to media and scandal |
2019 |
Carolin Jansen, Christian von Sikorski, Jürgen Maier |
framing, scandal |
“Mediatization and political scandal” chapter in The Routledge Companion to Media and Scandal |
2019 |
Bingchun Meng |
scandal |
“Scandals and agenda setting” chapter in The Routledge Companion to Media and Scandal |
2019 |
Sharon Meraz |
Scandals, media effects and public opinion in book The Routledge Companion to Media and Scandal |
2019 |
Francis L. F. Lee |
corruption |
“The political consequences of corruption scandals” in book The Routledge Companion to Media and Scandal |
2019 |
Enrique Hernández, Macarena Ares, Sofía Breitenstein |
corruption, electoral behavior |
A Computational Analysis of Social Media Scholarship (software and data for analysis) |
2017 |
Aaron Shaw, Benjamin Mako Hill, Jeremy Foote |
networks, scholarship, social media, Social networking sites |