Broadcasters and Hidden Influentials in Online Protest Diffusion |
2013 |
Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Sandra González-Bailón, Yamir Moreno |
15M, social movements, Social networking sites, Twitter |
The SAGE handbook of social media research methods |
2017 |
Anabel Quan-Haase, Luke Sloan |
social media, Social networking sites |
The SAGE Handbook of Social Media |
2017 |
Alice Marwick, Jean Burgess, Thomas Poell |
social media, Social networking sites |
A Computational Analysis of Social Media Scholarship (software and data for analysis) |
2017 |
Aaron Shaw, Benjamin Mako Hill, Jeremy Foote |
networks, scholarship, social media, Social networking sites |
Critical questions for big data: Provocations for a cultural, technological, and scholarly phenomenon |
2012 |
danah boyd, Kate Crawford |
big data, ethics, Social networking sites, Twitter |
Spanish Indignados and the evolution of the 15M movement on Twitter: towards networked para-institutions |
2014 |
Ismael Peña-López, Mari Luz Congosto Martínez, Pablo Aragón |
15M, social movements, Social networking sites, Spain |
Caracterización de usuarios y propagación de mensajes en Twitter en el entorno de temas sociales |
2016 |
Mari Luz Congosto Martínez |
Social networking sites, Twitter |