The corrosive effect of corruption on trust in politicians: Evidence from a natural experiment |
2017 |
Enrique Hernández, Macarena Ares |
Bárcenas, corruption, google trends |
The SAGE handbook of social media research methods |
2017 |
Anabel Quan-Haase, Luke Sloan |
social media, Social networking sites |
The SAGE Handbook of Social Media |
2017 |
Alice Marwick, Jean Burgess, Thomas Poell |
social media, Social networking sites |
A Computational Analysis of Social Media Scholarship (software and data for analysis) |
2017 |
Aaron Shaw, Benjamin Mako Hill, Jeremy Foote |
networks, scholarship, social media, Social networking sites |
Ideología y Castigo a la Corrupción. ¿Castigan más la corrupción los votantes de izquierdas que los de derechas? |
2017 |
Luis F. López Ortiz |
corruption, elections, Spain |
The eruption of Airbnb in tourist cities: Comparing spatial patterns of hotels and peer-to-peer accommodation in Barcelona |
2017 |
García-Palomares J.C., J. Gutiérrez, Romanillos, G., Salas-Olmedo M. H. |
AirBnB, cartography, Touristification |