Opinion dynamics on interacting networks: media competition and social influence |
2014 |
Antonio Scala, Guido Caldarelli, Walter Quattrociocchi |
media ecology, networks |
Data Science at the Command Line. Facing the Future with Time-Tested Tools |
2014 |
Jeroen Janssens |
command line, data science |
Network science |
2014 |
Albert-László Barabási |
graph theory, networks, random networks, scale-free networks |
Spanish Indignados and the evolution of the 15M movement on Twitter: towards networked para-institutions |
2014 |
Ismael Peña-López, Mari Luz Congosto Martínez, Pablo Aragón |
15M, social movements, Social networking sites, Spain |
Essays on the Political Economy of Local Corruption |
2014 |
Elena Costas-Pérez |
corruption, elections, media analysis |