How to make a newsletter in Hindi

It’s the second time I have to make a newsletter in Hindi. A short how to guide to make this process easier for next time.

I received a .docx in Hindi and copy pasting it didn’t work. That’s what I did:

  1. Install the font in Hindi to be able to see the text.
  2. Use converter to convert the Hindi text into Unicode.
    1. Select the font you are using (in my case
    2. Paste in the left box what you’ve copied from the .docx document. It’ll look something like “dukZVd ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa ls vk, dbZ o;kso`) ukxfjdksa lfgr”
    3. Select Hindi and clickconvert.
    4. Now you can copy the result and paste it in your blog.
  3. Some corrections were needed so I had to install Indec IME  plugin in wordpress to be able to write with Hindi characters.
  4. To remove what shows up in your header change line 43 from the file indicime.php  (find it at /wp-content/plugins/indic-ime):
    1. from  “add_action(‘wp_head’, array(&$this, ‘add_css’)); “
    2. to  “//add_action(‘wp_head’, array(&$this, ‘add_css’));”
      now that this action is commented, no banner will appear.
  5. [update 25.09.12] To remove what shows in your footer
    1. Commented in line 71 “<!–div style=’float:left’><img src='” + indicime_bu + “img/pin2.gif’ id=’indicpin’ onclick=\”indictl(‘indicpin’,’indiccontent’);\” style=’cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;’ title=’Toggle IndicIME visibility’></div><div id=’indiccontent’ style=’DISPLAY:inline’>&nbsp;Type in <select name=’indicscript’ id=’indicscript’ onchange=’indicChange( ,this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);’ style=’font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px;’>”
    2. Commented in line 91 “<!–img src='” + indicime_bu + “img/help.gif’ id=’indichp’ onclick=\”indictl(‘indichp’,’indiccmc’);return false;\” style=’cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;’ title=’Toggle help description’>”
  6. Enjoy.

See the results at the Alliance of Indian Wastepickers (AIW) Newsletter August 2012 in Hindi.