Well, I know you are not going to read the entire PhD thesis and annexes, so I am publishing it little by little, chapter by chapter. I am transforming the content to html, so I can use all the hyperlinks features and make it easier to navigate. It will take months, but I’ll complete the job.
I’ve created a page that is a summary of all the extra content of the dissertation: Color of corruption. Visual evidence of agenda-setting in a complex mass media ecosystem submitted on December 2022 and defended successfully on June 2023.
I’ve already uploaded all the code for the data gathering and analysis as well as the data bases that I’ve used.
I haven’t posted as much as I wanted to tell what I was doing, but I hope this page will help introduce what I’ve been doing. It’s been a long very long journey.

PS: In the past I’ve also published my research online, see these two examples. The goal was to publish the process, not only the final results, and make them available for everyone else:
- Arquitectura y tipografía en la actualidad: Confluencias a través de la experiencia (2005)
- Architecture Master thesis (proyecto final de carrera, PFC) (2007)
Puedes leer en castellano un resumen sobre la evolución del proyecto en Montera34.